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That is called an acciaccatura (a-ch-ca-chur-ra)

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Q: What is the music term for grace note?
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What is a grace note?

A grace note or in Latin; acciaccatura (a-cha-cha-tura) is when you play a black quickly before the principal note. In music it is written as a small quaver (occasionaly notes with lower time values) note with a dash through it followed by the principal note, this signifies a grace note.

What is Grace note?

A grace note or in Latin; acciaccatura (a-cha-cha-tura) is when you play a black quickly before the principal note. In music it is written as a small quaver (occasionaly notes with lower time values) note with a dash through it followed by the principal note, this signifies a grace note.

What is acciaccatura?

In music, an acciaccatura is a short grace note, a crushed note placed a single scale step higher than the main note. Its face value as a note is zero.

What is an acciaccatura?

In music, an acciaccatura is a short grace note, a crushed note placed a single scale step higher than the main note. Its face value as a note is zero.

How do you play a grace note on a flute?

On any instrument, you play a grace note by playing the grace note just before it very quickly leading into the prominent note. The grace note is many times the note just above or just below the main note, but can be any note.

In music what is a anacrusis?

An anacrusis is the technical term for a pickup note. It's when a phrase starts one note before a measure.

What does a grace note look like?

A grace note looks identical to an ordinary note, but it is written smaller and has a dash across it.

What does the musical term high do mean?

When it comes to music, the term "HIGH" means that you have to play a high note, meaning a note that would sound louder than a previous one. The louder the note the higher the pitch.

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A bemol is another term for the flat sign in music, ♭, used to lower a note by a semitone.

Is there a Home by Three Days Grace music video?

Yes, there is a Home by Three Days Grace music video.

How can a flam be played on a bass drum?

The flam produces a longer and thicker note. It is a very hard movement to get down. It consists of a primary note and a grace note, the grace note being softer.

In music terms what does duration mean?

The term duration in music, means, the sound can be long or the sound can be short. Basically the lenght of each note. hope this helps :):):):):) georgie