The music you hear in this documentary is by a composer named Ty Unwin.
Sam Neill
Sam Neill is 69 years old (born Nigel Neill, September 14, 1947).
The Omen (1976)- Harvey Stephens. Damien; Omen II- Jonathan Scott- Taylor. Omen III; The Final Conflict- Sam Neill. The Omen (2006) - Seamus Davey -Fitzpatrick.
Jon Neill's birth name is Jonathan Rawlings Neill.
Elizabeth Grace Neill was born in 1846.
Sam Neill's birth name is Neill, Nigel.
Sam Neill was born on September 14, 1947.
dr grant was played by sam neill
Sam Neill(the actor)(from Jurassic Park 1 and 3) was born in Omagh, Country Tyrone, UK. How this helps you out a lot.
Sam Neill.
Sam Neill
Most known movies Sam Neill has starred in is most likely Jurassic Park 1 and 3.Complete list can be found on :)
No he is currently alive at 63 years old.
Sam Neill
Neither, he comes from New Zealand.
Sam Neill and Laura Dern