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The one with Amanda Bynes in it is She's The Man.

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Q: What is the movie with one girl in a all boys school?
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What is the tv show or movie where the girl poses as a boy and goes to an all boys school?

She's the man

Is howard university and all boys school or an all girl's school or both?

Both its not an one gender school

What do you do if you go to an all girls school next to a boys one and wan't to get a boyfriend and all of the popular boys already have girl friends?

Have the boys hear that you put out.

How do you meet boys if you go to an all girls high school?

normally a girl school has a boys school right next door to it and they do activities together so that's how you meet

Is the royal ballet summer school a all girl school?

No, boys can get accepted too... You should check the website though.

Is Marquette University in Wisconsin an all girl school?

no actually they have a preety good boys basketball team

What attracts boys mostly in a girl?

ANSWER:If you are wondering about high school year, I think boys like a special girl as she is smart, pretty, passionate, maybe sexy. But now a days it's all about what they can do or who they are around school. Don't you agree?

There's this girl in school and all the boys like her how can you be better than her?

Just try to be friends with everyone. All the rest will follow

What is that movie where an all girl school is going to be joined with a boy school so at a dance girls play tricks and make the boys seem disgusting and sex crazed so they dont join schools?

Could this be 'Private School' starring Matthew Bodine, Phoebe Kates?

How do you have cheerlearders in a all boys high school?

Many all-boys schools have an affiliated nearby all-girls school. The girls from that school are often the cheerleaders for the boys' school teams.

What is the setting of the movie The Graduate?

The movie is set at Welton Academy, an exclusive, all-boys prep school.

Did Niall Horan go to an all boys school?

yes, he went to a private all boys school.