There have been hundreds of movies with that description, including:
Brokeback Mountain
3 Guys, 1 Girl, 2 Weddings
Making Love
I'd say she is bi, as she's had relationships with men before she got married to a woman.
Absolutely not. Transgender women are women. You are only gay if you are a man who is sexually attracted to men
I answer this for certain! Joe has never made any announcement about being Gay and he's never said he wasn't either! Reason being, he is Bisexual and he has had long term relationships with men and a woman. There have been several relationships with men and the relationship with the woman, lasted well over 25 years. I think that successfully qualifies him as being Bisexual!
John Barrowman is gay, yes.
yes there very very gay
Gay men do not cease being men simply because of their sexual orientation. A gay man is a man, not a woman. The parental instinct of a man is called the paternal instinct. If a man identifies himself as a woman, then he is transgendered and that is a different issue than being gay.
are you gay if you answered no you are not gay. if you answered yes then you're gay. If you have boners or erotic feelings towards men and woman, you're bi. If you have a boner towards men and not woman you're gay. I am a bisexual and proud. I've given blowjobs, anals and make out session to men and woman.
Only straight men hate being called gay. Most gay men prefer the term "gay."
Straight men generally do NOT chase gay women unless they don't know the woman is gay.
Tall gay men are called: "Lucky", "In Demand", "Fortuante", and "Often"
There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of them.
Gay men do not choose their sexual orientationGay men are no different than any other type of personNeither partner in a gay couple is "the woman"
You have a fetish called crossdressing and it has nothing to do with being gay. This is a common fetish of straight men.
Married gay men refer to each other as "husband."
Yes unless a woman is wearing it
No, Not necessarily. There is nothing wrong with straight men chatting with gay men. I'm pretty sure he knows what sexual orientation he is, if he is married to a woman, and not a man.
I do not believe so because gay means a man whose sexual orientation is to men, and a lesbian is a homosexual woman.