Mandy Ashford's birth name is Ashford, Mandeline Elizabeth.
Mandy Sweet's birth name is Amanda Cabarlo.
In 2006, The most popular name for a girl was Emma. The most popular name for a boy was Aiden.
Mandy Holmes's birth name is Amanda Dawn Holmes.
Mandy Playdon's birth name is Amanda Marie Deloris Playdon.
Some unique ways to spell Mandy would be... Mandee Mandi Manndy Mandii Mandey
I would personally prefer Mandy. no, I would perfer MaNdIeE cause it is so awsome
Mandy Ashford's birth name is Ashford, Mandeline Elizabeth.
The most popular name is Mohammed. There are a bunch of different ways to spell it: MUHAMMED MUHAMED MOHAMED MOHUMMAD MOHAMMED
Mandy's whole name is Mandy Michelle Jiroux......
Mandy Kitto's birth name is Mandy Hyde.
The name Katie is so popular because it is easy to spell
Mandy Huydts's birth name is Mandy Claire Huydts.
Mandy Amano's birth name is Mandy Fujiko Amano.
Mandy Leigh's birth name is Bateman, Mandy Lee.
Mileys best friend is..... Mandy j. I really don't know how to spell her last name. But it does start with a j(: