I believe Perry Mason was the most popular tv show in the 50s. They started releasing episodes in 1957.
Television was just invented in the 1930's but it's development was delayed by World War II. So there were no popular shows in the 1930's.
Sesame Street was the most popular kids tv show in 1997.
Some of the most popular shows in Branson, Missouri include the Acrobats of China show, the Clay Cooper Country Music Express, and the Gatlin Brothers' show. If your visit will be at Christmastime, you could check out the Christmas in Hollywood show.
A star attraction is the most popular act in a show.
He Is one of the most popular rappers from the south and he makes an estimated $94,000 a show even though he is not commercially successful he is a very popular under ground rapper....
The Bachelor is one of the most popular reality television shows on cable tv in the United States. There have been spinoff versions of the show including Beauty and the Geek, the Bachelorette, and Tila Tequila's.
The most popular show in Television is usually based on the television show with the highest viewer turnout. So far in 2013 the most popular television show is NCIS.
What is the most popular Disney Channel show for kids.
In which country?
I believe the most popular show made by Walt Disney is the old fashioned mickey mouse show.
The Most popular show in the West End would probably be "Les Miserables," since its now been rated the most popular show in the world, according to londonpass.com
The most popular TV show in Peru is 'Esto Es Guerra' Another Popular TV show in Peru is 'Al Fondo Hay Sitio'
The most popular show on cartoon network is Regular Show.
The Grand Ole Opry
No, not even remotely the most popular.
The most popular Sonic show is Sonic Underground.