PAtek Phillippe is the most expensive watch brand in the word, contrary to the popular belief and common mmisconception that it is Rolex.
rock is the most expensive wrestler in the world
Krug is by far the most expensive, the regular Krug is 3x as expensive as the regular Moet
They were less expensive, more widely available, and did not require their viewers to dress formally. julio
Mostly all of them are in paris.
12 million U.S. dollars
While Anthropologie's clothing lines are continually changing, there are currently three dresses vying for the title of most expensive on the shop's website. The dresses are all $498 and include the Netted Karala Maxi Dress, the Tremp l'Oeil Peplum Dress, and the Pleated Chennai Maxi Dress.
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Ignorance is the most expensive state in the world.
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Dev Gandhi has most expensive car in the world.
The most expensive article of clothing ever purchased was Marilyn Monroe's "Happy Birthday Mr. President" dress. This dress was sold in 1999 for a winning bid of $1,267,500.
The most expensive houses in the world are spread throughout different countries / continents. There is no country / location that contains all of the most expensive houses. The world most expensive house is located in India and the second most expensive is located in France.
Macadamia nuts are the most expensive.
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a dress made of gold