Don't drive during your rhythm is a common term used for folks who experience circadian rhythm. Because it is both a safety and health hazard, it is best not to drive if you're experiencing circadian rhythms.
An even rhythm is a balance rhythem, the uneven rhythm is an unbalance rhythem.
It depends on what rhythm you want. To have a random rhythm you have to be random.
Aira and Rhythm
The most common abnormal heart rhythm preceding cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation. In this dysrhythmia, the ventricular walls contract randomly and rapidly, and do not effectively pump blood.
It produces an electrical impulse used to restart the hearts' rhythm after a cardiac arrest.
An implanted defibrillator has both risks and benefits to the patient. The implant is used for those who are at risk for cardiac arrest, and in the event of a cardiac arrest, the defibrillator implant could save the patients life by maintaining a steady cardiac rhythm.
During asystole, the heart is not producing any electrical activity, so there is no rhythm to shock. Shocking asystole during cardiac arrest is ineffective because there is no underlying rhythm to restore. Instead, CPR and medications are used to try to restart the heart.
If it is a shockable rhythm, the AED will analyze and defibrillate as needed. Continue CPR when not analyzing and/or shocking.
During cardiac arrest, asystole is a state of no electrical activity in the heart. Shocking asystole is not effective because there is no organized electrical activity to reset. Instead, CPR and medications are used to try to restore a normal heart rhythm.
Defibrillation should not be performed on a patient who has a pulse or is alert, as this could cause a lethal heart rhythm disturbance or cardiac arrest.
A cardiac arrest team will be called in, and the staff will start CPR immediately, they will use a BVM and Defib (if necessary) to attempt to resus the patient the cardiac arrest team will then move in and perform ALS on the patient. Usually the patient will go into respiratory arrest and then cardiac arrest, their heart rhythm will normally go from normal synas rhythm into VF (Ventiricualr Fibrillation) where a shock will be nececerry to stop the heart, and shock it back into normal rhythem. If the patient receives early CPR and early Defib they have a fairly good chance of surviving if they go into VF. Hope this helps.
The two most common heart rhythms that require CPR is ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular tachycardia is an extremely rapid cardiac rhythm and ventricular fibrillation is an abnormal cardiac rhythm. For an adult, if the person is unconscious and not breathing, CPR is required. There are numerous reasons an adult would be unconscious and not breathing; all require CPR.
A defibrillator typically delivers between 200 and 1000 volts of electrical charge to the heart in order to restore a normal rhythm during sudden cardiac arrest.
This is an irregular cardiac rhythm due to a variation in the sinus rhythm -- the heartbeat usually increases during inhalation and decreases during exhalation. This condition is common in children and young adults.