The acronym ZTV stands for Zarie Terperiya Virus. Another meaning of ZTV is a television channel by Viasat to Sweden. There is no other find besides these two.
"tele" short term for television and :serye" a tagalog term series or drama itself
Programmable Logic Controller
The Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original (Samcro)
It's a play on the old traditional values on TV. Sort of a Leave it to Beaver type show. So making her sexy with tattoos is just an adjective for the TV shows on FX. Not traditional TV. Fully Baked refers to it being late at night and high.
meaning of t.v tuner
The scientific meaning for Plasma is a TV hanging on the wall
television in Hindi means doordarshan
Television Rating Points.
It is an all star television
Pulchri- meaning beautiful, and tube meaning television, thus " nice looking TV" Hah. hah
It is an all star television