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De minimis is a Latin expression meaning about minimal things, normally in the locutions de minimis non curat praetor ("The praetor does not concern himself with trifles") or de minimis non curat lex ("The law does not concern itself with trifles").[1][2]

In risk assessment it refers to a level of risk that is too small to be concerned with. Some refer to this as a "virtually safe" level

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Do you mean "de minimus" ? "De minimus" is Latin for "very small matters", as in "de minimus non curat lex" - "the law does not concern itself about very small matters".

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Q: What is the meaning of de minimis?
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How do you spell de minimis?

De minimis.

What is the correct spelling of de minimis?

The correct spelling is "de minimis."

What is De Minimis?

The Latin expression "De Minimis" refers about minimal things. In law, it means that it is too minor or not important?æenough to be considered.

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"De Minimis"

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The latin phrase De minimis may be what you mean.

Who are the qualified employees that can avail de minimis?

employers with more than 10 employers and those above minimum wage

Can you provide some examples of de minimis safe harbor situations?

Examples of de minimis safe harbor situations include small amounts of income that are not required to be reported on tax returns, minimal violations of regulations that do not warrant enforcement action, and insignificant errors in financial reporting that do not impact the overall accuracy of the information.

What has the author Jane Caldwell-Kenkel written?

Jane Caldwell-Kenkel has written: 'Documentation of de minimis emission rates' -- subject(s): Air, Pollution, Standards

De minimis benefit in the Philippines?

De minimis benefits are benefits in the nature of facilities or privilege furnished or offered by an employer to his employees that are of relatively small value, and are offered or furnished by the merely as a means of promoting the health, goodwill, contentment, or efficiency of his employees.The BIR exempts de minimis benefits pursuant to Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 3-98, as amended. Examples of de minimis benefits include contributions of the employer for the benefit of the employee to retirement, insurance and hospitalization benefit plans; or certain benefits given to rank and file, whether granted under a collective bargaining agreement or not; or de minimis benefits; or fringe benefits to the employee which is granted is required by the nature of or necessary to the trade, business or profession of the employer; or such grant of the benefit or allowance is for the convenience of the employer.The BIR sets a limit on the value of tax-exempt de minimis benefits. Under RR 8-00, as amended by RR 10-00, the BIR considers the following as de minimis benefits:10 days monetized unused vacation leave credits;medical cash allowance to dependents of employees not exceeding P750 per semester or P125 per month;rice subsidy of P1,000.00 or one-sack of rice per month;uniforms and clothing allowance not exceeding P3,000.00 per year;medical benefits not exceeding P10,000.00;laundry allowance of P300 per month;employee achievement awards in the form of tangible personal property other than cash or gift certificate, with an annual monetary value not exceeding P10,000 received by the employee under an established written plan;flowers, fruits, books or similar items given to employees under special circumstances, e.g. on account of illness, marriage, birth of a baby, etc.; anddaily meal allowance for overtime work not exceeding 25% of the basic minimum wage.Con sidering that it is almost nin e years since they were last adjusted in 1998, the BIR may consider increasing the amount of de minimis benefits specified under its regulations to make them more realistic. Employees are completely captured by the tax net under the withholding tax system and they do not enjoy any additional deductions in computing their taxable income. The government should not deny salaried workers of the little privilege they will enjoy from higher tax-exempt de minimis benefits.

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