The phrase "¡Ay caramba!" is roughly the same as "oh, woe!" -- an expression of grief or exasperation.
Although the etymology is likely from carajo (male sex organ), it is frequently used strongly to mean "hell" or [excrement].
Ay Caramba means to be surprised, or to be in pain in Spanish. The animated television show, The Simpsons, has a character called Bart Simpson that made the phrase Ay caramba more well known.
# # Sa larong luksong baka ay merong isang taya na kailangan na luksungan kapag dumikit sa taya habang siya ay tumalon ay siya naman ang taya...!!! #
Dilber Ay was born on July 12, 1958, in Turkey.
Enigma - Return to Innocence
Ayla Brown goes by Downtown Ayla Brown.
It is correctly spelled as "Ay caramba" and it is an expression of surprise or frustration in Spanish. It is commonly associated with the character Bart Simpson from the TV show The Simpsons.
"Ay caramba!" is a minced oath, meaning a curse that's been changed so it doesn't sound like a curse. The word "caramba" comes from the Spanish word "carajo," a slang word for male genitalia. Just like some people don't like the word "dang," some people won't like "Ay caramba." To most people, it won't be a curse, but to some it will be.
No.He says Ay Caramba.
¡Ay, caramba! it's an exclamation of surprise (negative or positive), it can be translated "oh my god!"jajaja it's just hahaha
Ay Caramba, after catching Homer and Marge in bed together.
The Spanish interjection is spelled caramba (often ¡Ay, caramba!), a mild oath related to carajo,originally a nautical term (crow's nest) but given a genital connotation.
Caramba was created in 1981.
La Caramba died in 1787.
La Caramba was born in 1751.
he said "I curumba!" when he saw homer and marge "Snuggling"
I have seen a moaning sound, referring to being in pain, written as "Ai!" Or sometimes "Ay!" (It is pronounced to rhyme with "try.") And sometimes, I have seen the name of God is invoked, as in "Ai dios!" And in some older sources, you may still see "Ay caramba!"-- this is used to express shock as well as pain.