Simon is an epileptic and the during an epileptic fugue he held an imaginary conversation inside his own head, with the 'beast' or the potential to do evil that he already suspected lay inside everyone. In his feverish state he incorporated the imagery of the pig's head on a stick, which Jack made as an offering to a nonexistent real beast. In essence the 'conversation' just confirms Simon's earlier suggestion when he said during a meeting "Maybe there is a beast, I mean maybe the beast is just us." there is no creature with wings and claws, there is only the evil inside people that makes them enjoy killing pigs, and worse things, just for the fun of it.
unknown. i dont actually know if they discussed anything about his parents.
it references to a greek word, and the bible meaning evil. The name derives from the Canaanite "Baal" meaning "lord," and he is known as the "lord of the flies"
lighting will symbolize the death and hardships of the boys and the dangers that they encounter with their surroundings and savage ways.
"Howling wind and waves wash Simon's mangled corpse into the ocean, where it drifts away, surrounded by glowing fish." from Lord of the Flies Sparknotes
Simons Murder.
unknown. i dont actually know if they discussed anything about his parents.
The character who speaks to the Lord of the Flies is Simon. He has a hallucinatory encounter with the severed pig's head, which is referred to as the Lord of the Flies, and it symbolizes the evil and darkness within humanity.
piggies <3
NOBODY ANSWER THIS!! He's trying to get this answer for his Year 10 English Coursework! Do it yourself!
it references to a greek word, and the bible meaning evil. The name derives from the Canaanite "Baal" meaning "lord," and he is known as the "lord of the flies"
The weather on the night Simon died in "Lord of the Flies" was stormy and chaotic, with strong winds and heavy rain. The storm added to the sense of darkness and confusion surrounding Simon's death.
Ralph brings up Simon's name when he tries to remind the group of boys about Simon's murder and the possible existence of a "beast." Simon is a character in "Lord of the Flies" who is killed by the group during a frenzy.
As Simon's body floats out to the sea in "Lord of the Flies," it is surrounded by gentle waves and the vast expanse of the ocean. There is a calmness and serenity to the scene, highlighting the contrast between his peaceful passing and the chaos and violence that consumed the island.
lighting will symbolize the death and hardships of the boys and the dangers that they encounter with their surroundings and savage ways.
lord of flies, satan the devil