Well, er, we think you'll find that, er, the, er, answer is 'Jessie Williams', like. Yuss. *flex*
Dakota Fanning...no shes 14....how old is Ellie Fanning?...probably older than 9...er...er...er...er..er..er... I have NO IDEA who is a 9 year old famous celebrity, but I am wiritng a book, so if you know please feel free to put 9 year old famous people names up here!!! By the way im Alison and im 11!!! Ellie Fanning is 12 going to 13
one who performs
ER has been on air for 1 season. It has been on since 2008. Over 6 episodes.
The proper pronunciation of Xavier Cugat is Zay-vee-er Coo-gat
what's the meaning of suffix er? one that has/owns
wer ist er = who is he
"didi-er" has no meaning in Hebrew.
ER means Entity Relationship
er division clerck
The suffixes -or and- er are user for people or things that do something. It can also be used for an action.
It means Mother F-word-er
It means Mother F-word-er
"Farm" and "er" are examples of morphemes, not phonemes. Phonemes are the smallest units of sound that can change the meaning of a word when altered, while morphemes are the smallest units of meaning in language.
The closest would probably be hyper. Meaning extensively, or greater. >
The word happier has "er" added and increases the term happy to a greater happiness i.e. happy and then happier
The word happier has "er" added and increases the term happy to a greater happiness i.e. happy and then happier