"Bow Chicka Bow Wow" does not really have a literal meaning. However, it is commonly used in songs or in movies when two people are sexually attracted to one another.
bow wow bow wow
Bow wow's surname is Moss
Yes, when he got older, he changed his name to Bow Wow.
That would be Mike Posner ft. Lil' Wayne - Bow Chika Bow Wow.
No, Bow Wow does not have a girlfriend mabye later on but right now no.
Bow Wow Wow was created in 1980.
Bruno mars doesn't sing bow chicka wow wow.Mike Posner does !! :) ;} ]
Bow chicka wow wow ;) You know what I mean!
Her race is Cambodian for sure.
bow chicka wow wow... 15 minutes
Lil Wayne and Mike Posner
Some model chick
Lyla Dee
Lyla Dee thats her name!
the training is to be a fan of Justin bieber, read clothing magazines, get a sketch pad for your ideas, and make your creations real I AM IRON MAN NAW JK IM A GURL HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE LOLZ :D BOW CHICKA BOW WOW CHICKA CHICKA BOW WOW!
I think you might be asking about the phrase "bow chicka bow wow," which is an onomatopoetic saying. It represents the rhythmic background music from a porn movie, and can also be used to indicate an especially attractive person or a sexual situation.
Because he LIKES BIG BUTTS and CANNOT LIE. Bow chicka bow wow! SNSD RULES peace