According to the World Records Academy the longest pop song is 'Apparente Libertà' by Giancarlo Ferrari.
Stairway to Heaven
Bad Guy 7 minutes and 14 seconds
The song that is playing when the guys are playing football in the mud in The Longest Yard remake from 2005 is Have You Ever Seen The Rain. The song was written by John Fogerty and recorded by Creedence Clearwater Revival in 1971.
Ron Burgundy's Jazz Flute song.
The 1976 hit 'Do You Feel Like We Do?' is Peter Frampton's longest recorded and released song. Depending on the version, it is between seven and nine minutes long.
The longest song ever in the USA was 75 minutes
Incantations, recorded by Mike Oldfield, in 1978 is the longest song ever made. The song lasts a record one hour, 12 minutes and 44 seconds.
American Pie
Most likely 'Dark Star'.
Stairway to Heaven
Bad Guy 7 minutes and 14 seconds
The song that is playing when the guys are playing football in the mud in The Longest Yard remake from 2005 is Have You Ever Seen The Rain. The song was written by John Fogerty and recorded by Creedence Clearwater Revival in 1971.
The longest song ever in the USA was 75 minutes!!!Actually the longest song in the USA was Choke and Ache, wich was 4 hours and 34 min. long!~ Ger34
The longest song I have ever heard of is a song that is supposed to last for 1000 years. But that is just a machine making the song. The longest song is recorded by Bull of Heaven and it lasted 6 years. I'm not sure what it is called though. Another very long song is Metropolis by Dream Theater. It is divided into two parts. Part one is a 9 minute and 32 second song. Part two is 77 minutes and 6 seconds long. This is the longest song that I know of, but part one is on a different album.
The longest pop song ever to ever be recorded is Sexy Girl (Malibu Breeze Remix.) The Sexy Girl Remix is 7 minutes and 41 seconds.DJ Pearl and Last Vegas. This song is known to be the longest Pop song to EVER of been recorded.You can get this song on your Ipod, Ipod touch, or MP3 Player, or anything that plays out loud.
Probably Hangar 18 by Megadeth... It's by the BEST BAND EVER!!!!