No one listens when a teenager suspects that her cousin is in an abusive relationship.
Walter and Marie Jones.
It is rated PG-13 for disturbing scenes of teen dating violence and stalking.
The Lifetime movie network is on channel 140 or channel 640 for HD. Lifetime are a cable company who specialize in TV, movies, drama and sitcom programmes.
If you have Direct tv its 253
The Drover's Ballad is by Elton John and "I will hear you" is really "By the Boab Tree" :) sung by Ophelia of the Spirits.
lifetime and lifetime movie network
Peter Outerbridge.
Mark and Terry Stenwyck (the abusive misogynistic father-son duo on Lifetime's Reviving Ophelia).
Walter and Marie Jones.
LeAnne Dunley and an unknown father.
Well Ive seen the movie, and it was really good. They always say that the book is always better than the movie, so I'm assuming yes :)
Terence "Terry" Stenwyck and an unknown mother.
Reviving Ophelia - 2010 TV was released on: USA: 11 October 2010 Canada: 7 January 2011 France: 25 May 2011 Spain: 8 April 2012
The full title to this book is called Reviving Ophelia:Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls. This book was written back in 1994.
It is rated PG-13 for disturbing scenes of teen dating violence and stalking.
Mrs. Stenwyck and her 7-year-old son Mark flee from her abusive husband (who kills himself with a cyanide pill, unbeknownst to Mark and his mother) for good, because she fears that her son will follow into his father's footsteps (and also fall prey to the cycle of abuse).