Madame Pince appears in most of the Harry Potter books, as she is the Hogwarts librarian.
In Episodes 1,2 and 3Jocasta Nu is the Librarian in the Jedi Temple
It's Madame Lestrange. Meaning, Bellatrix Lestrange. With a courtesy title in front, her name would be Mrs. Lestrange, or Madame Lestrange.
Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.
the Quidditch teacher is named Madam Hooch. she's a little eccentric in looks but she is really a very nice person.
His half-brother Grawp is a full giant and is bigger than him. Madam Maxime is also taller than him.
In Episodes 1,2 and 3Jocasta Nu is the Librarian in the Jedi Temple
Madam Malkins
It's Madame Lestrange. Meaning, Bellatrix Lestrange. With a courtesy title in front, her name would be Mrs. Lestrange, or Madame Lestrange.
Madame Pomfrey is the nurse at Harry Potter.
i think you can get her in the casale
Madam Hooch.
Gemma Jones
The three broomsticks
In the movie, Severus Snape is seen sitting next Madam Irma Pince, the librarian of Hogwarts. On his other side is Professor Filius Flitwick.
Harry and Cho went to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop in Hogsmeade.
Madam Olympe Maxime
i think its level 4