Spider-Man 3 for now- but next is "The Amazing Spider-Man" which is a reboot with a new cast.
C-3PO was the character who said both the first and last words
in the film, it was Edward. he said. 'i have one condition, marry me first' (not word for word)
In the movie Love, Actually, the words "love actually" were only spoken together once. That was in Hugh Grant's opening monologue when he says, "If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around." However, the single word "actually" is spoken 22 times in the film.
Not counting Treehouse of Horror episodes or dream/fantasy sequences, her first real word was "Daddy" although no one heard it. As for as the family knows, her first word in the series was "Yah" said in Season 20's Coming to Homerica, although she also had her 'first' word at the end of The Simpsons Movie in 2007 when she said "Sequel".
She has officially spoken four times.Her official first word was "Daddy" from Season Four's Lisa's First Word, but no one heard her, so as far as the family knows her first word was "Sequel" which she said at the end of The Simpsons Movie, however, in the series, Marge claims her first word was "Yah", spoken in the last episode of Season 20, Coming to Homerica.She spoke full sentences [granted not grammatically perfect] in the second episode of Season 28, Friends and Family, in a flashback during a family argument at a therapist's office, she says "Maggie talk. Maggie talk. No one listen. Maggie never talk again."She also said Daddily-Doodily in Season Seven's "Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily" but no one acknowledged she said anything so evidently it was just heard as baby gibberish and not actual speech.
Last Word Spoken was created in 2000.
Citizen Cane
Which adversary will Spiderman outwit in the next movie sequel?
I think Batman is way more famous than Spiderman because Batman has a lot of movies and every movie improves. Ask yourself this: Do you see Batman on TV more than Spiderman? Do you hear the word Batman more than you hear the word Spiderman or the Dark Night Rises?
"No"! Spoken by Marcel Marceau
The Last Samurai
The last word in New Moon the movie is Bella. In the book it's side.
The last movie i saw was the proposal. it had my favorite actress and i saw i saw it over 30 times ! i saw it so much that i no half the movie word for word by heart
There's no homophone for the word "spoken." Another word for spoken is "oral," and its homophone is "aural."
The first words spoken on the moon were " That's one small step for man, One giant leap for mankind." Spoken by Neil Armstrong. Spoken about 3 feet away from the moon was "Contact Light." This was said by Buzz Aldrin. The first words were,413 is in ,the eagle has landed.