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Seems to be from the Muppets.

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Q: What is the jingle that goes who who who who who phenomenon who who who who?
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Music that goes with a TV or radio commercial is called a?

Jingle (APEX)

What is a Goodbye jingle for graduating students?

jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle ill miss you jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle goodbye jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle bye bye jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle happy new year jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle good bye my love and have fun trying to pay for collage

What nicknames does Ron Sellers go by?

Ron Sellers goes by Jingle Joints.

What is the Jingle for the Easy Spirit Commercial?

If it's the one that started the Easy Spirit phenomenon, it was the woman's Tulane University team playing ball while the jingle played: Looks like a pump..feels like a sneaker..Easy Spirit.

What is the ritz cracker jingle?

Nothing fits the occasion like ritz does Ritz goes with everything and everything goes with ritz

What is the jingle song that goes along with the slinky?

The song was I came in like a wreaking ball

What does jingle jingle mean?

it means cows go jingle jingle

What are the lyrics to the Campbell's soup and sandwich jingle?

The Campbell's soup and sandwich jingle goes: "Mmm mmm good, mmm mmm good, that's what Campbell's soups are, mmm mmm good. And somehow we always knew, just what goes great with soup, sandwiches do."

When was Jingle Jangle Jingle created?

Jingle Jangle Jingle was created in 1942.

What is the jingle that goes it's where the real stuff comes from?

no,this is not real people just make up stuff

What is the sound made by the bells on a sleigh?

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

What is the future tense of jingle?

The future tense of "jingle" is "will jingle."