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Some people might suggest that it was ironic of Samneric to tell Ralph of Jack's plans for him and then in turn reveal Ralph's hiding place to Jack. However it is clear that in spirit Samneric were never part of Jack's tribe. Along with Piggy they were the last of the biguns who remained loyal to Ralph. They were only on guard duty on castle rock because they had ben captured by Jack's tribe and forced to join it under torture. The next morning it appears that torture was used once more to extract the location of Ralph's planned hiding place from at least one of the twins.

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14y ago

Some people might suggest that it was ironic of Samneric to tell Ralph of Jack's plans for him and then in turn reveal Ralph's hiding place to Jack. However it is clear that in spirit Samneric were never part of Jack's tribe. Along with Piggy they were the last of the biguns who remained loyal to Ralph. They were only on guard duty on castle rock because they had ben captured by Jack's tribe and forced to join it under torture. The next morning it appears that torture was used once more to extract the location of Ralph's planned hiding place from at least one of the twins.

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14y ago

The irony is that from the decriptions of the blows they handed out and received it seemed that Eric and Ralph were actually fighting each other.

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