It is a consumer tax on lodging charges for periods of less than 30 consecutive days for hotels, motels, rooming houses, private campgrounds, RV parks, and similar facilities.
There are no restrictions based on the number of units, except:
That depends on the tax regime in the country/state where you live.
That the church tax- gatherers state that nothing will be taken without bloodshed
Information on Ronnie Deutsch can be found at zoominfo. This website contains information about Ronnie's employment as tax attorney and the state they live in.
Mr. Letterman's taxes, like all US Citizens are protected private, non-public information. Given the rough outlines announced of his deal with CBS, and that he works in New York City in New York State ... he pays a high percentage of his entertainment income for Federal, State and City income taxes, probably something closer to half (50%) than any other rough estimate. His income from investments (savings) are taxed at a lower rate, probably closer to 1/5 (20%), in part because the companies he invested in already paid income tax on the same money and in part because the lions share of most "capital gains" are really just inflation, not economic gains.
Mathew Mcculloch is the guy that had the first wine suck.
In the state of Georgia, the hotel tax rate is 8%. However, this is does not include the hospitality or resort rate at many hotels, motels, and resorts.
The hotel tax rate in Charlotte NC is 16.25%This breaks down to 5.25% state tax, 3% local tax and an additional 8% for hotels.
Including State Tax, Occupancy Tax and County Sales Tax, 11%.
According to the State Sales and Use Tax Rates table, the state rate is .065 or 6.5%.Counties and some municipalities add on a sales tax, which can bring the total sales tax to, for example, 8.5% in Whatcom County.Your tax rate depends on where in Washington State the transaction occurs.See below for the tax rate calculator.
Personal Income TaxesNo state personal income tax
12% hotel tax
sales tax rate for hotel in chapel, hill, nc
The tax rate on little cigars is the same as on cigarettes, which is $1.01 per pack of 20. This is a federal tax, so it applies in Washington DC as well as every state.
Washington's average sales tax is 8.87 percent. If that's the rate in your area, your item will cost $130.63
Every hotel in the state assess a tax collected on behalf of the state. The rate is 12% for strip hotels
The current sales tax rate in Vancouver, Washington is 8.2%.
All in all Washington including all taxes that they collect is the highest taxed state in the union. one penny