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Q: What is the history of chantey by ramon escoda?
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Chantey a poem by Ramon Escoda?User Avatar

Who are the Chantey singers?

sailors are chantey singers. sea chanteys.

What is chantey?

A chantey is another name for a shanty, a sailor's work song.

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Josefa Llanes Escoda died in January 6,1945

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Josefa Llanes Escoda was born on 1898-09-20.

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What is the meaning of chantey?

A sailor's song. May we lift a deep-sea chantey such as seamen use at sea Kipling.

What is the definition of chantey?

A sailor's song. May we lift a deep-sea chantey such as seamen use at sea Kipling.

What is a chantey?

A chantey is another name for a shanty, a sailor's work song.