Don't think it says the character's height in the book, but the actor who plays Charlie in the films, Billy Burke is 1.84 m tall.
its charlie swan
Bella's dad's name is Charlie Swan and her step dads name is Phil!
Charlie Swan, middle name isn't mentioned.
Bella's Biological Father is called Charlie Swan.
swan During the twilight saga she's Renee Dywer, her maiden name is higgenbottom but this changed to Swan once she married Charlie
its charlie swan
In the Twilight series, the dad's name is Charlie Swan. He is Bella Swan's father.
The maximum height of a black swan is 142 cm.
Charlie Swan
Bella's dad's name is Charlie Swan and her step dads name is Phil!
Charlie Swan's real name is Charles Swan. He is a fictional character from the Twilight series written by Stephenie Meyer.
The actor for Charlie Swan who played in Twilight will stay the same for the sequel New Moon. Billy Burke plays the role of Charlie.
Bella Swan lives with her father, Charlie Swan, in Forks, Washington.
Charlie Swan in the Twilight Saga, Charlie is Chef Of Police in Forks.
Charlie Swan is Bella Swan's father who doesnt like Bella hanging out with Edward Cullen, duuuuuh you big idiots, shouldn't ya know this if you've red the book
Charlie Swan