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Yes. The end of the Harry Potter series is sooooooo amazing!

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13y ago

Most of the main characters survived, got married and lived happily ever after without Lord Voldemort lurking over them.

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15y ago

if you read the beatrice letters there are hints that the baudelares are still alive.

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13y ago

Yes, it does have a good ending!

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Q: What is the happy ending in Harry Potter?
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Does Harry Potter and the deathly hallow have a happy ending?

Yes, if you ignore all the death.

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SPOILER ALERT!! No it doesn't get destroyed Harry wins and there is a happy ending!

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On the DVD. Be legal, be legal.

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Ending to Harry Potter?

*SPOILER* Harry kills Voldemort and everyone grows up and gets married and has kids.

Is J.K. Rowling happy that the Harry Potter movies were created?

Probably, she had to approve them.

Is this the last Harry Potter?

There are 7 books, ending with The Deathly Hallows, there are no more novels after this.