Its a structure attached to the gills of crustaceans like lobsters. it sort of beats, causing water to flow in and out of the gill chamber.
The gill rakers on fish keep food particles from moving out from in between the gill arches. For filter feeding fish and some suspension feeding fish, the gill rakers function is to trap the food.
Sailer, tailor, bailer, Sailer, tailor, bailer,
A bailer is a person who bails, or a utensil such as a bucket or cup which is used for bailing.
The animals that breathe through gill chambers are crabs and mudskippers. Their gill chambers also function in the storage of water.
The function of gills on a mushroom is to hold and release the spores that a mushroom produces.
Gill slits in sharks and rays help to funnel water into the gills, which empty into the pharynx and eventually the lungs.
to protect the gills
The inventor of the hay bailer was a man named Innes. It was invented in 1936. the hay bailer was not the large round bailer but the small square bailer
prevent food particles from passing through the branchial clefts.
It can store water for the animal to stay out of water for a short period of Time.
A year ago
No, Bailer is the best dog ever.