the creation, "dren" turns into a male and r@pes the woman and she gets pregnate. but dont let that fool you bcuz her pregnancy could of been by her boyfriend. (her boyfriend dies)
Hell yeah Yep there will definitely be a splice 2 because of the ending of the first splice and also because I have been searching the net and splice 1 was not supposed to have a sequel but after the ratings of splice 1 the creator of splice 1 has decided to make a splice 2 the rebirth.
A Movie Script Ending was created on 2002-02-08.
The ending of Shrek.
Scary movie 2
Yes, you have to stay after the credits and there will be an ending leading to a sequel
Hell yeah Yep there will definitely be a splice 2 because of the ending of the first splice and also because I have been searching the net and splice 1 was not supposed to have a sequel but after the ratings of splice 1 the creator of splice 1 has decided to make a splice 2 the rebirth.
Delphine Chaneac plays dren in the movie splice. go on youtube and theres an interview from her.
Splice has multiple sexual/nudity scenes,very graphic.suggest another movie I suppose
Delphine Chanéac
It doesnt have any!!
The scientific name for the creature Dren in the movie "Splice" is Clive Nicoli.
"Splicing" with regard to work in a movie theater would mean that the character Rose would join pieces of film at the ends (splice them)--in her case, the previews.
One splice that would work is a western splice.
The long splice, the short splice, the end splice, and the eye splice are probably the most commonly used types.