Hell yeah Yep there will definitely be a splice 2 because of the ending of the first splice and also because I have been searching the net and splice 1 was not supposed to have a sequel but after the ratings of splice 1 the creator of splice 1 has decided to make a splice 2 the rebirth.
A Movie Script Ending was created on 2002-02-08.
The ending of Shrek.
Scary movie 2
Yes, you have to stay after the credits and there will be an ending leading to a sequel
Hell yeah Yep there will definitely be a splice 2 because of the ending of the first splice and also because I have been searching the net and splice 1 was not supposed to have a sequel but after the ratings of splice 1 the creator of splice 1 has decided to make a splice 2 the rebirth.
Delphine Chaneac plays dren in the movie splice. go on youtube and theres an interview from her.
Splice has multiple sexual/nudity scenes,very graphic.suggest another movie I suppose
Delphine Chanéac
It doesnt have any!!
The scientific name for the creature Dren in the movie "Splice" is Clive Nicoli.
"Splicing" with regard to work in a movie theater would mean that the character Rose would join pieces of film at the ends (splice them)--in her case, the previews.
One splice that would work is a western splice.
The long splice, the short splice, the end splice, and the eye splice are probably the most commonly used types.