Pat Kenny no longer works for RTE. He is now working for NewsTalk. His address there is
RTE have different locations around Ireland. Their main studios are in Dublin. The address is: RTE Donnybrook Dublin 4 Ireland.
Rte 664 & Rte 665, Cleveland, VA 24225
RTE has many email addresses. The general one is which will get you to their main offices. Individual TV and radio shows and individual presenters have their own addresses. See the link below and then find your show.
It is on RTE 1.It is on RTE 1.It is on RTE 1.It is on RTE 1.It is on RTE 1.It is on RTE 1.It is on RTE 1.It is on RTE 1.It is on RTE 1.It is on RTE 1.It is on RTE 1.
You need to contact the Late Late Show. By post: The Late Late Show RTE One Donnybrook Dublin 4 Ireland. By email it is:
RTE. means route like EXAMPLE: RTE. 47
You can check their website. The address is below. You could also check TV listings on other websites. You will listing in newspapers. You will also find them in RTE's magazine, the RTE Guide.
The address of the Butterfield is: 3435 Us Rte. 5, Westminster, 05158 0123
The address of the Hartland Public is: 153 Rte. 5, Hartland, 05048 0137
The address of the Baxter Memorial is: 5114 Rte. 14, Sharon, 05065 0087
The address of the Weathersfield Proctor is: 5181 Rte. 5, Ascutney, 05030 0519
The address of the Chelsea Public is: 296 Rte. 110, Chelsea, 05038 0067