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Sexual satisfaction may be... :P Semen is not poison...doesnt affect ur health in any way unless the parner has any of the sexually transmitted infections, for example HIV

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Q: What is the effect of swallowing semen on 38 years old woman?
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If a woman swallow semen from 21year old men or 51 year old is healthyer she is 62 years old?

As long as the man is STD free swallowing semen will not hurt you. A 51 year old man is not different than a 21 year old. The woman's health is not compromised by the age of the man.

How do you stop leaking semen in girls aged 12 -15 years old?

Women do not have semen; only men do. If you are referring to discharge, you might want to check if the woman has a yeast infection that is causing excess discharge. If so, you might want to seek a topical treatment.

Does semen have more protein than an 8oz steak?

Lets think about that, we are talking about comparing 1/4 ounce of liquid semen ( about 10 grams of protein) to an 8-12 ounce piece of beef ( 80 grams of protein) ..NO SEMEN doesn't come close to the beef! I was amused to find a forum that asked young guys how much semen is in each ejaculation, some thought it was 3-4 ounces.. that's a shot glass X 2! It is a very small amount, 1/2 ounce is a HUGE ejaculation.

Are a woman's sexual secretions okay to swallow?

The secretions should be safe to swallow if the woman is free of diseases. It is really made of much of the same things that semen is made out of in the body. People have been having oral sex with men and women for years and are not getting sick nor dropping dead from it.

Can you identify a person through semen if the semen has been exposed over a month?

Semen carries genetic material. Depending on the conditions of exposure, DNA information could potentially be isolated from a semen sample even after several years. The DNA would not be alive, but it would be intact.

How old is jenna ward in swallowing stones?

Jenna Ward is 15 years old

My partner abstained from smoking marijuana while we were trying to conceive but if he smokes now will his semen effect our 7wk old fetus?

His semen won't affect the fetus, but the smoke in the house might. Plus, if he can stop using, he will end up being a better father and husband as the years go on. You should keep an eye on the developmental stages of your child as it grows...

Why was the effect of the Seneca falls convention?

It was when woman started realizing that they deserved more rights. Then 2 woman who were at the convention decided to do something about it.

When boys masterbade how do they get the white fluid out?

The white fluid is called semen. After masturbating for a while, it should come quite naturally. If you didn't get semen out yet, it is possible that you are too young. Some time around 13 years or you should be able to get semen out, but there are individual differences.

Can semen come out of a ten year old?

Yes it has came out of me before at 9 years old

What age are boys supposed to produce semon?

You mean Semen and guys start to produce semen when they hit puberty, the average ages of puberty is at 12-14 but alot hit it earlier at 10 years of age.

You are 11 years old and your sperm is clear. Is this okay?

This is normal. The white colouring of semen is caused by sperm, which you're not producing yet. One you're well into puberty, you'll find your semen will become whiter.