The duration of Young Toscanini is 1.82 hours.
The duration of The Young Runaways is 1.52 hours.
They were rebels.
Prim was in the Capitol because there was a hovercraft sent out to help the wounded rebels because they needed as many people as possible to help the rebels
RBD = Rebelde, Rebels
Young Soul Rebels was created on 1991-08-09.
Searching for the Young Soul Rebels was created in 1980-07.
Yep, for warchild
The duration of Wild Rebels is 1.5 hours.
The duration of A Woman Rebels is 1.47 hours.
Rebel Soul was created in 1998.
The duration of Rebels of the Neon God is 2.12 hours.
Soul Rebels Brass Band was created in 1991.
The Young Rebels ended on 1971-01-04.
The Young Rebels was created on 1970-09-20.
The duration of To Save Her Soul is 660.0 seconds.