The duration of Yeh Hai Mumbai Meri Jaan - TV series - is 1380.0 seconds.
Mera jaan is Hindi/Urdu for "My love of my life". Mera is the male form of "mine". When talking to a man you say: "mera jaan". If you're talking to a woman, you use "meri jaan".
The duration of Zeenat Bint-e-Sakina Hazir Ho is -2400.0 seconds.
Meri Jung Ka Elaan was created in 2000.
Arnold Meri was born on 1919-07-01.
Badi Bahen was created in 1950.
The duration of Mumbai Meri Jaan is 1.98 hours.
Yeh Hai Mumbai Meri Jaan - TV series - was created on 2001-03-21.
Yeh Hai Mumbai Meri Jaan - TV series - ended on 2001-10-24.
Mumbai Meri Jaan was created on 2008-08-22.
Yeh Hai Mumbai Meri Jaan was created in 1999.
Mumbai Meri Jaan - 2008 is rated/received certificates of: India:A
Mumbai local train blasts was an unfortunate incident. It was made into a movie later too. The name of the movie was Mumbai Meri Jaan.
Aaja Meri Jaan - 1993 is rated/received certificates of: India:UA
The cast of Meri Jaan - 1931 includes: Zubeida Yakub Mehboob Khan Master Vithal
The duration of Meri Jung is 2.73 hours.
The duration of Meri Bassai is 1800.0 seconds.
Mera jaan is Hindi/Urdu for "My love of my life". Mera is the male form of "mine". When talking to a man you say: "mera jaan". If you're talking to a woman, you use "meri jaan".