The duration of Voyez comme ils dansent is 1.65 hours.
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Normand Bissonnette has: Performed in "Ainsi soient-ils" in 1970. Played Christian in "Forever Knight" in 1989. Performed in "Tectonic Plates" in 1992. Played Father Ducharme in "Emily of New Moon" in 1998. Played LaCapelle Soldier in "Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story" in 2000. Played Rodrigue Lemire in "Fortier" in 2001. Played French Man in "Past Perfect" in 2002. Played Robert Gendron in "Chabotte et fille" in 2009. Played Louis-Martin Lonergan in "Chabotte et fille" in 2009. Played Denis Labrecque in "Trauma" in 2010. Played Louis Allard in "Le colis" in 2011.
Fred Bianconi has: Played Ronan Perrin in "Commissaire Moulin" in 1976. Played Paul in "Louis Page" in 1997. Played Michelet in "Au coeur de la loi" in 1998. Played Thierry Arnoult in "Boulevard du Palais" in 1999. Played Me Vallejo in "Femmes de loi" in 2000. Played Bob Grimaud in "Sauveur Giordano" in 2001. Played Armand Belvisi in "Ils voulaient tuer de Gaulle" in 2005. Played Fromentin in "Engrenages" in 2005. Played Lucas in "R.I.S. Police scientifique" in 2006. Performed in "Tout va bien" in 2006. Played Georges in "Trenhotel" in 2007. Played Rochard in "Duval et Moretti" in 2008. Played Patrick in "48 heures par jour" in 2008.
The cast of Le temps perdu - 2001 includes: Jacqueline Bir as Jeanne Annick Blancheteau as Madeleine Anne Chappuis as Sylvie Nicole Croisille as Bernadette Emmanuelle Devos as Anna Eric Salomone as Antoine Jacques Spiesser as Hubert Bruno Todeschini as Max Jean Yanne as Le vieux
Line Renaud has: Performed in "Une belle garce" in 1948. Played French Singer in "Toast of the Town" in 1948. Performed in "Au fil des ondes" in 1951. Played herself in "Trente-Six Chandelles" in 1952. Played Rose Filhol in "Ils sont dans les vignes..." in 1952. Played herself in "The Bob Hope Show" in 1952. Played La chanteuse in "Quitte ou double" in 1953. Played Madeleine Thuilier dite La Madelon in "La Madelon" in 1955. Played Herself - Broadcast from Paris in "The World Our Stage" in 1957. Played Herself - Singer in "Parkett 1. Reihe" in 1958. Played Juliette in "Tausend Sterne leuchten" in 1959. Played Herself - Singer in "The Dean Martin Show" in 1965. Played herself in "20 heures le journal" in 1981. Played Herself - Guest in "7 sur 7" in 1981. Played Jacqueline in "Silver Spoons" in 1982. Played herself in "Nulle part ailleurs" in 1987. Played herself in "Le divan" in 1987. Played Simone in "Ripoux contre ripoux" in 1990. Performed in "Memories of Midnight" in 1991. Performed in "The Sands of Time" in 1992. Played Polly West in "Polly West est de retour" in 1993. Played Adeline Margaux in "Pleins feux" in 1993. Played Lou in "Rendez-moi ma fille" in 1994. Played Henriette in "Les filles du Lido" in 1995. Played Margot Piquet in "Ma femme me quitte" in 1996. Played Simone Castres in "La voisine" in 1997. Played Garance in "Une vie pour une autre" in 1997. Played Herself - Main Guest in "Vivement dimanche" in 1998. Played Herself (Interview) in "Vivement dimanche" in 1998. Played herself in "Vivement dimanche" in 1998. Played herself in "Vivement dimanche prochain" in 1998. Played Nicou in "Belle maman" in 1999. Played Reine Cadalen in "La petite fille en costume marin" in 1999. Played Florence in "Roule routier" in 2000. Played Mamie in "Chaos" in 2001. Played herself in "Live for Love United" in 2002. Played Suzanne in "Tous les chagrins se ressemblent" in 2002. Played Simone Constant in "La grande brasserie" in 2002. Played herself in "Les 40 ans de la 2" in 2004. Played herself in "Samedi soir avec..." in 2004. Played Suzie Berton in "Suzie Berton" in 2004. Played Marie de Hongrie in "Les rois maudits" in 2005. Played Blandine in "Une famille pas comme les autres" in 2005. Played Tata Suzanne Bailleul in "La maison du bonheur" in 2006. Played herself in "Dans la peau de Jacques Chirac" in 2006. Played Marie Robin in "Les soeurs Robin" in 2006. Played herself in "Line Renaud: une histoire de France" in 2006. Played Mado in "Le serment de Mado" in 2006. Played Louise in "La femme tranquille" in 2008. Played Claude in "Fugueuses" in 2008. Played herself in "Les stars du rire" in 2009. Played La dame au canari in "Le grand restaurant II" in 2011. Played Laurence Delcourt in "Simple question de temps" in 2012. Played Jacqueline in "Belinda et moi" in 2014.
Matthias Fankhauser has: Played Beat Odermatt in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Rolf in "Mama hat dich lieb" in 2002. Played Werner in "Anjas Engel" in 2005. Played Herr Brunner in "Die Herbstzeitlosen" in 2006. Played Mike Stutz in "Briefe und andere Geheimnisse" in 2007. Played Ulrich Ochsenbein in "Die Schweizer - Les Suisses - Gli Svizzeri - Ils Svizzers" in 2013. Played Alain in "Kursverlust" in 2013. Played Dr. Gysin in "Dinu - der Schwerkraft entgegen" in 2013. Played Heinz Stettler in "Buumes" in 2013.
Voyez comme ils dansent was created on 2011-08-03.
The cast of Voyez comme ils dansent - 2011 includes: Steeve Amirault as Le pianiste du bar de Gatchell John Atslaktatle Canee as Un natif Alexander Bisping as Louis Martin Champagne as Le chauffeur de taxi Alain Gendreau as Le chauffeur de camion grutier Patrick Goyette as Brad Kaniehtiio Horn as La femme kaska Yves Jacques as George Bliss Ranenhahawi Mylow as Le premier enfant de Charlie 1 Guy Ormisten as Le serveur du wagon-restaurant Maya Sansa as Doctor Alexandra Smith aka Alex Nakuset Shapiro as La femme de Charlie Alexander Skerget as Josh Linda Smith as Annie Yves Theurette as Un enfant
"As they work".
The cast of Comme ils disent - 2008 includes: Christophe Dauphin as Phil Pascal Rocher as David
My clothes look really good
The cast of Yan Diga - Ils traverseront des pays comme des jardins - 1970 includes: Madougou Amboka Alassane Aboue Boube Garba Mahmane
they = ils eg they dance = ils dansent
see is translated by the verb "voir" in French je vois tu vois il voit, elle voit, on voit nous voyons vous voyez ils voient, elles voient
well, the french verb "to dance" is "danser". to use it in a sentence you have to conjugate it depending on who is doing the dancing. je danse - i dance tu danses - you dance (informal singular) il danse - he dances elle danse - she dances nous dansons - we dance vous dansez -you dance (plural, or formal singular) ils dansent -they dance (group of males OR group of mixed genders) elles dansent - they dance (group of females)
Martin Champagne has: Played Gamblers in "3 x rien" in 2003. Played Mineur in "Grande ourse" in 2003. Played Gardien de prison in "Les aventures tumultueuses de Jack Carter" in 2003. Played Conducteur in "Temps dur" in 2004. Played Juge de paix in "Les Boys IV" in 2005. Played Ouvrier no. 2 (Victor) in "Aurore" in 2005. Played Chauffeur de taxi in "Les hauts et les bas de Sophie Paquin" in 2006. Played Ouvrier altercation in "Truffe" in 2008. Played Policier in "Le cas Roberge" in 2008. Played Patient simon in "Trauma" in 2010. Played Le chauffeur de taxi in "Voyez comme ils dansent" in 2011.
je ne vois pas - tu ne vois pas - il, elle ne voit pas - nous ne voyons pas - vous ne voyez pas - ils, elles ne voient pas
ils sont = they are Note: "ils" is masculine of 'they"; "elles" is the feminine of "they".