The duration of Jean de Florette is 2 hours.
Edilberto K. Tiempo died in 1996.
The duration of La Intrusa - Mexican telenovela - is 3600.0 seconds.
Jorge Hacker has: Performed in "Don Segundo Sombra" in 1969. Played Otto in "La maffia" in 1972. Played Don Guido Ventura in "Tiempo de revancha" in 1981. Performed in "Camila" in 1984. Performed in "La redada" in 1991.
The duration of Honeymoon Trio is 600.0 seconds.
Tiempo de Silencio was created on 1986-03-13.
The duration of Tiempo de Revancha is 1.87 hours.
The duration of Tiempo de valientes is 1.87 hours.
The cast of El silencio del tiempo - 2000 includes: Demian Bichir
Luis Marti n-Santos has written: 'Tiempo de silencio'
The cast of Tiempo de silencio - 1986 includes: Victoria Abril as Dorita Francisco Algora as Amador Margarita Calahorra as Ricarda Julia Castellanos as Dora Eduardo MacGregor as El profesor Santi Pons as Steinberg (Pintor) Francisco Rabal as Muecas
The duration of El muro del silencio is 1.75 hours.
The duration of Aventuras En El Tiempo is 3600.0 seconds.
Tiempo de Amar was created in 1996.
A Tiempo de Rock was created in 1983.
cambio de cadena de tiempo de un cabalier 4 cilindros
Un minuto de silencio - 2005 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13