The duration of The Family Game - game show - is 1800.0 seconds.
The duration of Countdown - game show - is 1440.0 seconds.
The duration of The Cosby Show is 1500.0 seconds.
The duration of The Dick Powell Show is 2880.0 seconds.
The duration of The Rush Limbaugh Show is 3 hours.
The duration of The Geena Davis Show is 1800.0 seconds.
The duration of The Video Game - game show - is 1800.0 seconds.
The duration of The Waiting Game - game show - is 2700.0 seconds.
The duration of The Big Game - game show - is 1560.0 seconds.
The duration of Rumor Has It - game show - is 1800.0 seconds.
The duration of VS. - game show - is 1800.0 seconds.
The duration of Wanted - game show - is 3600.0 seconds.
The duration of Scattergories - game show - is 1500.0 seconds.
The duration of Studs - game show - is 1440.0 seconds.
The duration of Cram - game show - is -1440.0 seconds.
The duration of Countdown - game show - is 1440.0 seconds.
The duration of Password - game show - is 1560.0 seconds.
The duration of Debt - game show - is 1560.0 seconds.