The duration of The Raindrop is 1.8 hours.
The duration of Women in Bondage is 1.2 hours.
by attacking enemies or bots
The duration of Honeymoon Trio is 600.0 seconds.
The duration of The Witnesses is 1.87 hours.
The Bots Master ended on 1994-05-01.
The Bots Master was created on 1993-09-01.
The duration of Mix Master is 1380.0 seconds.
The duration of Mind Master is 3600.0 seconds.
The duration of Master Stroke is 1.85 hours.
The duration of The Young Master is 1.77 hours.
The duration of The Master of Disguise is 1.33 hours.
The duration of Master of Study is 1.17 hours.
The duration of Master of Thunder is 1.53 hours.
The duration of The Master Touch is 1.87 hours.
The duration of Drunken Master is 1.83 hours.
The duration of Wagon Master is 1.43 hours.