The Adventures of Werner Holt - film - was created on 1965-02-05.
The duration of Film - film - is 1440.0 seconds.
The duration of To - film - is 1.42 hours.
The duration of After... - film - is 1.33 hours.
The duration of Can-Can - film - is 2.18 hours.
The duration of Benjamin - film - is 1.5 hours.
The duration of Film - film - is 1440.0 seconds.
The duration of Beckett on Film is 10.78 hours.
The duration of Rock Opera - film - is 1.45 hours.
The duration of As Is - film - is 1.43 hours.
The duration of To - film - is 1.42 hours.
The duration of After... - film - is 1.33 hours.
The duration of Can-Can - film - is 2.18 hours.
The duration of If I Had You - film - is 1.58 hours.
The duration of A Film with Me in It is 1.38 hours.
The duration of You - film - is 1.4 hours.
The duration of This Is Not a Film is 1.25 hours.
The duration of There - film - is 1.6 hours.