The duration of Honeymoon Trio is 600.0 seconds.
The duration of The Witnesses is 1.87 hours.
The duration of Empty Nest is 1440.0 seconds.
The duration of The Contact is 1.75 hours.
The duration of The Jackpot is 1.42 hours.
The duration of Artificially Speaking is 1080.0 seconds.
The duration of Skeptically Speaking is 3600.0 seconds.
The duration of Speaking our Language is 1500.0 seconds.
The duration of Geographically Speaking is 900.0 seconds.
The duration of Speaking in Strings is 1.22 hours.
The duration of Speaking in Code is 1.48 hours.
The duration of Roughly Speaking - film - is 1.95 hours.
The duration of Ramji Rav Speaking is 2.5 hours.
The duration of Public Speaking - film - is 1.37 hours.
The duration of Strictly Speaking - TV series - is 1800.0 seconds.
The duration of Skipped Parts is 1.67 hours.
The duration of Body Parts - film - is 1.47 hours.