The duration of Honeymoon Trio is 600.0 seconds.
The duration of The Witnesses is 1.87 hours.
The duration of Empty Nest is 1440.0 seconds.
The duration of The Contact is 1.75 hours.
Posh Nosh was created in 2003.
Posh Nosh ended on 2003-04-22.
* wash * slosh * posh * nosh * squash
The cast of Posh Nosh - 2003 includes: Mark Hadfield as Anton Gowrie, Bishop of Oxford Joanna Lumley as Narrator Stephen Powell as Barry Clark, Builder David Tennant as Jose-Luis David Tennant as Piers Arabella Weir as Minty Marchmont
Beasts' feasts.
snack, nosh, nosh-up
Nosh A Lody was born on 1989-07-17.
The word "Nosh" comes from Germany. It comes from one of the dialects of Germany.
If you mean nosh, as in food - it has a Yiddish/German connection. In Yiddish as 'nashn' as in nibbles, and in German as 'Naschen'. There is also a word 'khnaskwajanan' meaning restaurant and shortened to 'nosh house'
If you want to be posh , then you will have to talk sentences posh and to end with a full stop.
Origin of NOSH Yiddish nashn, from Middle High German naschen to eat on the sly First Known Use: 1931