Princess Dollie Aur Uska Magic Bag ended in 2005.
The duration of Honeymoon Trio is 600.0 seconds.
The duration of The Witnesses is 1.87 hours.
The duration of Empty Nest is 1440.0 seconds.
The duration of The Contact is 1.75 hours.
Magic Palayok ended on 2011-07-01.
Magic Palayok was created on 2011-02-28.
The duration of My Magic is 1.25 hours.
The duration of Music Hall Magic is 1800.0 seconds.
The duration of The Magic Roundabout is 300.0 seconds.
The duration of The Magic Tree is 1620.0 seconds.
The duration of Shadow Magic is 1.92 hours.
The duration of Summer Magic is 1.83 hours.
The duration of The Magic Pipe is 3000.0 seconds.
The duration of The Magic Box is 1.97 hours.
The duration of The Magic Riddle is 1.55 hours.
The duration of The Magic Clown is 900.0 seconds.