The duration of Light Sleeper is 1.72 hours.
The duration of A Thief in the Night - film - is 1.15 hours.
The duration of If You Go Down in the Woods Today is 1.3 hours.
The duration of I Don't Want to Go Back Alone is 1020.0 seconds.
The duration of Honeymoon Trio is 600.0 seconds.
Go Toward the Light was created on 1988-11-01.
The duration of Toward Independence is 1800.0 seconds.
The duration of Toward the Terra is 1.92 hours.
The duration of Toward the Unknown is 1.92 hours.
The duration of A Year Toward Tomorrow is 1500.0 seconds.
Toward the Light was created in 1920.
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The duration of Light Lunch is 3600.0 seconds.
The duration of Light Sleeper is 1.72 hours.
The duration of A Trick of Light is 1.32 hours.
The duration of Silent Light is 2.12 hours.
The duration of The Claws of Light is 2.08 hours.