Entre monjas anda El Diablo was created in 1972.
El Amor - Tito El Bambino song - was created in 2009-03.
The duration of El baile is 1.58 hours.
The duration of El Hormiguero is 2 hours.
The duration of Ahmar Bel Khat El Arid is 3600.0 seconds.
Entre el amor y el odio was created on 2002-02-11.
Entre el amor y el odio ended on 2002-08-02.
The duration of Entre el Amor y el Deseo is 2520.0 seconds.
Entre el Amor y el Deseo was created on 2010-09-27.
Entre el Amor y los Halagos was created in 1993.
The duration of El amor no tiene precio is 3600.0 seconds.
The duration of Apuesta por un amor is 3600.0 seconds.
The duration of Un Refugio para el Amor is 2880.0 seconds.
Jessica Jurado has: Performed in "Mujer, casos de la vida real" in 1985. Played Alejandra Valencia (1986) in "Marionetas" in 1986. Performed in "Amor en silencio" in 1987. Played (1987) in "Amor en silencio" in 1987. Played Patricia Bracho in "La usurpadora" in 1998. Played Martha del Castillo in "Entre el amor y el odio" in 2002.
Violeta Isfel has: Performed in "Mujer, casos de la vida real" in 1985. Played Paz in "Entre el amor y el odio" in 2002. Played Rosario in "Peregrina" in 2005. Played Polla in "La rosa de Guadalupe" in 2008. Played Regina in "Como dice el dicho" in 2011.
Fernando Nesme has: Performed in "Mujer, casos de la vida real" in 1985. Performed in "Dos nacos en el planeta de las mujeres" in 1991. Performed in "Gotita de amor" in 1998. Played Lic. Godillo in "XHDRbZ" in 2002. Played Oscar in "Entre el amor y el odio" in 2002. Played Representante in "Vecinos" in 2005. Played Miguel Esquivel in "Mujeres asesinas" in 2008.
Freddy Ortega has: Played himself in "Otro rollo con: Adal Ramones" in 1995. Played Caco in "Entre el amor y el odio" in 2002. Played Various in "La parodia" in 2002. Played Various in "El privilegio de mandar" in 2005. Played himself in "Premios TV y novelas 2007" in 2007. Played Felipe in "Mujeres asesinas" in 2008.