The duration of Confessions of a Frustrated Housewife is 1.58 hours.
The duration of American Housewife is -2580.0 seconds.
The duration of Confessions of a Pop Performer is 1.52 hours.
The duration of Campus Confessions is 1.12 hours.
The cast of Confessions of a Facebook Fanatic - 2009 includes: Ben Claremont as Frank Foster
Confessions of a Frustrated Housewife was created in 2001. It is a memoir written by Jenny Lee.
The duration of American Housewife is -2580.0 seconds.
The duration of Diary of a Housewife is 870.6 seconds.
The duration of The Happy Housewife is 1.67 hours.
The duration of Confessions of a Pop Performer is 1.52 hours.
The duration of Diary of a Mad Housewife is 1.73 hours.
The duration of Private Confessions is 3.33 hours.
The duration of Campus Confessions is 1.12 hours.
The duration of Confessions - film - is 1.77 hours.
The duration of Real Confessions is 2700.0 seconds.
The duration of Confessions of a Queen is 1.07 hours.
The duration of Two Confessions is 1.55 hours.