There are men in all countries who have that.
The duration of Men with Brooms is 1.7 hours.
The duration of The Stepford Children is 1.6 hours.
The duration of All Over the Guy is 1.58 hours.
The duration of Then I Sentenced Them All to Death is 1.72 hours.
The vast majority of gay men are not pedophiles, just as the vast majority of straight men are not pedophiles.
The duration of All the Young Men is 1.5 hours.
The duration of All Men Are Liars is 1.52 hours.
The duration of All the Queen's Men is 1.67 hours.
Men. Female pedophiles are rare.
The duration of All Men Are Mortal - film - is 1.55 hours.
They have pedophilia, as pedophiles are people with pedophilia. No joke.
The duration of All Men Are Brothers - TV series - is 2700.0 seconds.
The duration of All My Sons - film - is -5700.0 seconds.
There are men in all countries who have that.
As of 2014, this has not happened yet. Gay men are still banned from serving as scout masters. This is the result of a baseless fear that gay men are somehow all pedophiles.
The duration of Men Must Fight is 1.2 hours.