The duration of American Housewife is -2580.0 seconds.
The duration of Super Sleuth Christmas Movie is 2580.0 seconds.
The duration of Girls' Generation's Horror Movie Factory is 3000.0 seconds.
In music, duration is the length of a note. So in common time (4/4) a whole note's duration is 4 beats, dotted half note is 3 beats, a half note has 2 beats and a quarter note has a duration of 1 beat.
The duration of The Brady Bunch Hour is 2880.0 seconds.
The duration of Movie Movie is 1.75 hours.
The duration of A Movie is 720.0 seconds.
The duration of American Me is 2.1 hours.
The duration of American Gun is 1.58 hours.
The duration of Best Worst Movie is 1.55 hours.
The duration of Blue Movie is 2.33 hours.
The duration of Movie Magazine is 3600.0 seconds.
The duration of Spanish Movie is 1.42 hours.
The duration of The Onion Movie is 1.33 hours.
The duration of Junk the Movie is 1.38 hours.
The duration of Aibō The Movie is 1.95 hours.
The duration of Epic Movie is 1.42 hours.