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Mirth is happiness and joy. Shared laughter and smiles are key elements to mirth, along with song and dancing.

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Q: What is the definition of the word mirth used in The Hobbit?
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What is the meaning of the word 'ford' in The Hobbit?

A ford is a river crossing. It is usually a shallow water area with gently sloping banks.

Why do you think the author of The Hobbit names the man who slays the dragon after a word for poet?

J.R.R. Tolkien created or borrowed from several languages when developing these tales. The Lake-men spoke the language of Dale represented by Old Norse, so Bard's name means beard while the word beard can also mean part of an axe. The definition of the word you are referring to in your question is a derivation of the Old Celtic/Gaulish word bardos, which means poet or singer.

What word would be a good adjective to describe Gandalf the old wizard from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit?

To name a few for starters:WisePowerfulSecretiveMysteriousOld

Can rendezvous be used for interview with a famous person?

The definition of the word rendezvous is a meeting, usually between two people, at a specific place and time. In this context, a rendezvous can be used for an interview with a famous person.

Is The Hobbit a novel or novella?

It is a novel.A short story typically has 2,500-6,000 words.A novelette typically has 7,000-25,000 words.A novella typically has 17,500-40,000 words.A paperback novel typically has 35,000-80,000 words, though some are uncommonly up to 90,000 words.A hardback novel typically has 35,000-150,000 words.Some short stories, novelettes and novellas have chapters, just like novels. They are mainly defined by their word counts. Though there are no "official" definitions of what a book is classified as by their word counts, these are the generally accepted guidelines.The Hobbit has 95,356 words.Click here to see the word counts of all the LoTR books.