Markus Natten is a poet from Norway. He wrote "The Childhood". Details of his life are very sketchy so it is unclear when and where he was born.
Ryan Van Natten was born on 1987-11-11.
Markus Bertheau is 176 cm.
Markus Maes is 6' 2".
Markus Quentin was born in 1997.
Markus Natten received his education at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design in Norway.
Markus Natten is a poet from Norway. He wrote "The Childhood". Details of his life are very sketchy so it is unclear when and where he was born.
He was an English poet. One of his poems is called "Childhood".
Markus Reiner died on April 25, 1976 at the age of 90.
Markus Wolf died on November 9, 2006 at the age of 83.
Markus Höttinger died on April 13, 1980 at the age of 23.
Markus Hoffmann died on January 16, 1997 at the age of 26.
Ryan Van Natten was born on 1987-11-11.
Resa i natten - 1955 is rated/received certificates of: Sweden:15
Markus Zusak was born June 23, 1975. He is best known for his novels I am the Messenger and The Book Thief.
Sista natten - 1956 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 Sweden:15
The cast of Natten - 2013 includes: Morten Hembo as Frank Casper Sloth as Henrik