It really varies but you can get the pegasis thunder whip for about $20-$25. But there is also the super vortex arena which comes with 2 special beys for about $40-$50. So all areanas vary in price.
for the front seats it would cost over 2million pounds
Lots of money. Between Tshirts, stickers, buttons, programs, posters, CD's at the concert, the number of seats in the arena times the cost of every seat... you're looking at a lot of money earned here. I don't know the numbers but it is probably enough to feed her family lobster every night for a year! LOL
Depending on where you get them and what variety you get, replica lightsabers can cost you anywhere from $25-$300+. Note: The $300 lightsabers are real metal lightsaber hilts with a glass tube that gets very bright. They are for super-fans only, and most generic toy stores (Wal-Mart, Toys "R" Us, etc) won't carry them. If you're really determined to get one, I would recommend hitting up a comic book store.
It cost 2.98 at a Walmart. But in grocery stores 1 medium bag sized is cost 1.50. If its a large bag of Takis then cost 2.00. The mini kind I think cost a buck.
as much as they cost in the night
it cost 300
it is 349 or 350 rupees
ans- it will be of rs 349!!
Rs. 350
RS 350
8.99 for a BEYBLADE METAL FUSION top. 17.99 for a double pack. (Includes one real Bey from Japan, and one custom top from America) Beystadium is 10-18$. You can buy future Beyblade (Metal Fight Explosion) online. (Galaxy Pegasis, Ray Unicorno, Gravity Perseus, Meteo L-Drago, Rock Giraffe, Flame Byxis, etc)
one funskool beystadium of metal fusion (pegasus thunder whip) costs Rs.650
when the official fusion fall comes out it will cost money the official one comes out janurary 14
The cost of Infinity Blade 2 is currently $6.99
Your answer depends on the size of the blade and its ultimate use.
It is about 2.5million dollars