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The movie Kevin is watching in Home Alone (1990) is not real. It is footage that was made specially for the film. The gangster that tells snakes to "keep the change you filthy animal" is Johnny. Johnny is played by Ralph Foody. Snakes is played by Michael Guido. The movie is play upon the James Gagney film Angels with Dirty Faces (1938).

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Q: What is the black and white film in the movie Home Alone?
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In the movie home alone what is the title of the black and white movie that Kevin mcallister watches on his tv where the old guy with a machine gun starts shooting.?

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Home Alone is a 20th Century Fox film .

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Home Alone (1990) Run Time: 103 minutes

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If you mean the orignal Home Alone movie, then Macaulay Culkin.

What home alone movie was the Christmas movie?

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What was the name of the gangster film in home alone?

That clip is not from a movie. It was created specifically for Home Alone 1.