Melissa Ordway is 34 years old. Her birthday is March 31, 1983.
Lauren Conrad was born on February 1, 1986
Jim Carrey married to from Marriage to Melissa Womer Jim Carrey married to Melissa Womer from March 28, 1987 to 1995 Jim Carrey married to Lauren Holly from September 23, 1996 to 1997
One would think so, given the length of time they worked together on Gilmore Girls. However, there's no way of really knowing.
Melissa Lauren was born on October 16, 1984.
Melissa Lauren is 165 cm.
Melissa Lauren's birth name is Barbara Masvaleix.
Melissa Lauren was born on October 16, 1984.
Melissa Lauren is 26 years old (birthdate: October 16, 1984).
Lauren Adler's birth name is Lauren Melissa Adler.
I'm Melissa Disney my birthday february 10th 2003
Melissa Lauren is the stage name of a French adult film actress. Her birth name is Barbara Masvaleix and she lives and works in Paris, France.
Lauren Goodgers birthday is 19/09/1986
Her name is actually Melissa Jasmine. Her birthday is on October 10, 1996.
Lauren Tumm is 13 her birthday is march 14, 1997
Lauren Rush and Melissa Rush