Lene Hefner's birth name is Jill Hefner.
Keith Hefner's birth name is Keith E. Hefner.
Swan Hefner is 173 cm.
Leila Swan's birth name is Leah Sauder.
Yes, in 1991 Hugh had Syphillis that he got from an unknown partner that he chooses not to name.
Lene Hefner's birth name is Jill Hefner.
Tom Hefner's birth name is Tommy Winston Hefner.
Christie Hefner's birth name is Christie Ann Hefner..
Cooper Hefner's birth name is Hefner, Cooper Bradford.
Dan Hefner's birth name is Daniel Winston Hefner.
Glenn Hefner's birth name is Glenn Lucius Hefner.
Marston Hefner's birth name is Marston Glenn Hefner.
Keith Hefner's birth name is Keith E. Hefner.
Swan Hefner is 173 cm.
Jenny Hefner's birth name is Yi-Chen He.
Crystal Hefner's birth name is Crystal M. Harris.
Grace Hefner's birth name is Grace Caroline Swanson.