The birth name of Peter Graves was Peter Aurness.
Wendy Rene's husband's name was James E. Cross,who was an employee at Stax as an recording engineer during the time Wendy recorded "After Laughter Come Tears".
Nino Bellini's birth name is Giovanni Bellin.
Shyne's birth name is Jamal Barrow.
In the midnight hour. Written by Wilson Picket and Steve Cropper.
Stax Graves was born on October 1, 1885, in Kentucky, USA.
Stax Graves died on June 15, 1972, in Indio, California, USA.
Teresa Graves's birth name is Terresa Graves.
Barrett Graves's birth name is William Barrett Graves.
Fred Graves's birth name is Frederick B. Graves.
John Graves's birth name is John Clifford Graves.
Randin Graves's birth name is Randin Christopher Graves.
Austin Graves's birth name is Micale Austin Graves.
Joseph Graves's birth name is Joseph Howard Graves Jr..
Barry Graves's birth name is Jrgen Deutschmann.
Michale Graves's birth name is Michael Emanuel.
Ralph Graves's birth name is Horsburgh, Ralph.